Covid19 Safety Precautions at Commonwealth Wine School

The health and safety of our students, staff, and our families is our top priority.

In order to create and maintain the safest possible environment for indoor learning we have implemented the following precautions and guidelines according to the latest data and most recently understood best practices:

  • Beginning September 1, 2021, all students who attend classes in person must be vaccinated against Covid 19 and be able to provide proof of vaccination.

  • All classes are kept small, socially distant, and with individual seating

  • Each student will be seated at their own individual four foot tasting station with three-sided plexiglass barriers and distanced from other stations.

  • If two students come from the same household they may choose to share one station.

  • All people (students, teachers, others) inside the school are required to wear face masks over their noses and mouths at all times unless directed to briefly remove masks during tastings by the instructor.

  • Three Oransi Air Purifiers have been installed in the school. These are rated to remove airborne particles smaller than viruses, including the Covid19 virus.

  • Each table will have its own spittoon. We ask all students to dump any remaining wine or water in glasses into their spittoon at the end of class.

  • All glasses and dishes will be sanitized using a high temperature sanitizing dishwasher.

  • Hand sanitizing stations are available in the classroom.

  • Thorough cleaning and sanitizing of surfaces and the classroom and bathrooms is completed after each class.

  • All students and staff must agree to abide by certain safety rules before registering for any class.

  • We ask all students, staff and instructors to make what can feel like a difficult decision and STAY HOME if they feel remotely unwell - fever, cough, sniffles, etc. If you feel under the weather, stay home please. We will work out refunds or make-up classes.

We recognize that we are living in an era that requires extreme caution and care for ourselves, our families and our neighbors. While we will do everything that we can to maintain the cleanest and safest environment, students and staff are assuming risks by being together indoors. In coming together each member of the class agrees to assume these risks and do our best to keep each other safe and healthy.